
Copperplate and Spencerian:

Single  envelope…….…………….……………………………………$2.50
Double envelope…………………..………………………….…………3.50


Single envelope…….…………………………………….………………$1.50
Double envelope…………………………………..………………………2.50


Prices are for black ink on white or ecru paper.  If the envelope is another color, or has an opaque inner lining, add 75c.  For color ink, add 50c.

To compensate for corrections/additions, please supply no less than 15% extra envelopes.  I cannot accept jobs without enough extras.  

Please note that not all paper will accept my pens or ink.  Some paper may be treated to help this problem, and will add $1 to the price.  Some paper may not be able to be treated at all.  In this case, I will return your envelopes to you.


Custom Invitation Design (copy-ready artwork):

          Return address…………..……………………………….………….…75.00
          Response/reception card.………………..………………………...100.00
          Response card address...…..……………………………………..…..75.00
          Thank you / monogram……………………………………………..100.00

I will custom quote a price for menus, direction cards, certificates, and custom artwork.